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POWER PLAYERS: The 10 most influential diversity leaders fighting inequality in corporate America right now


  • Business Insider selected 10 of the most influential diversity and inclusion chiefs at some of the nation's top companies.
  • We reviewed each leader's ability to increase representation and inclusion programs at their current companies. We used awards and honors such as Fortune's 100 Best Workplaces for Diversity list to decide which companies to include.
  • In interviews with Business Insider, these leaders shared their unique approach to diversifying their workplaces.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

It's long seemed as though white-collar offices in finance and tech largely ignored people of color and women when recruiting for important roles, creating a so-called boys' club for straight white men.

The civil-rights movement and #MeToo movement have helped bring down some barriers, but equality for marginalized groups in the US still has a ways to go. A 2018 survey, for example, found that only 26% of professional computing jobs were held by women. And women of color make up just 4% of top executives.

Companies are facing mounting public pressure to address inequality. Many have published diversity reports outlining their challenges and accomplishments, and even more are relying on new C-suite and executive roles to drive those efforts. The demand for diversity and inclusion professionals is on the rise. Job postings for D&I roles saw a 36% spike from 2016 to 2018, according to job site Indeed.

To recognize the growing scope of these new power players, Business Insider has selected 10 of the most influential leaders in diversity and inclusion working in top US companies.

We reviewed each leader's ability to increase representation and inclusivity programs and turned to honors such as Fortune's 100 Best Workplaces for Diversity list to make our decision.

In interviews with Business Insider, leaders shared their unique approach to diversifying their workplaces. Some say the key to diversity is to ensure board rooms and C-suites include people of color, while others invest in pipeline programs within underserved communities.

Here are 10 of the most influential diversity and inclusion leaders in corporate America in 2020.

SEE ALSO: Nearly 3 in 4 women in tech have mulled leaving the field, signaling the industry still has a gender diversity problem

Vernā Myers, the vice president of inclusion strategy at Netflix, takes a top-down approach to diversity to ensure company leaders understand its importance.

In her first two months after joining Netflix as the VP of inclusion strategy in 2018, Myers interviewed more than 100 other executives to better understand the company's culture.

Myers, who previously ran a consulting agency helping companies create diverse and inclusive workplaces, told Business Insider that changing hiring policies is just one piece of the work. Diversity isn't measured by the number of workshops you have or the number of nonwhite employees you hire. Most companies struggle with this because they haven't revamped the internal structure to support its employees, she added.

The inclusion VP said Netflix often incorporates diversity-focused training during offsite meetings. These regular events help fuel the discussions for people who might not understand what diversity and inclusion really mean, and it also starts an open dialogue for getting people in the same room to talk, Myers added.

Myers further explained that increasing representation and promoting positive employee experiences are best tackled with a top-down approach: Only when leaders understand the true value of diversity will it click for all employees.

Her efforts have paid off. Netflix's demographic breakdown shows the company's leadership is made up of 49% women. Moreover, about 57% of employees working in tech roles are nonwhite.

"It starts with setting expectations and holding everyone accountable," Myers said.

Tony Prophet, Salesforce's chief equality officer, has used data to ensure the company stays gender-diverse.

Salesforce's approach to ensuring the workplace remains equitable and diverse is founded in data. Prophet, who has been the software giant's chief equality officer for the past three years, said the company gives team leaders a scorecard every 30 days to track how often they promote and hire women and underrepresented minorities. It publishes this representation data on its website.

The data pays off, Prophet said. Salesforce's global workforce of 45,000 employees is 33% women. The company has ranked as Fortune's top place to work for diversity five years in a row. While the company still lags behind in Latino and black representation (the groups make up 4% and 3% of the workforce), half of the company's 12,320 new hires in fiscal 2019 were women or underrepresented minorities.

Prophet and his team recently launched the Genforce resource group, focused on making Salesforce inclusive for workers of all ages. He also launched a partnership with the Executive Leadership Council, a group comprising black business execs, to mentor underrepresented minority leaders within the company.

"We know that creating a culture of equality isn't just the right thing to do — it's also the smart thing, empowering us to innovate, build deeper connections with our customers, and ultimately become a better company," Prophet said.

Rosanna Durruthy, vice president of global diversity at LinkedIn, said employee referrals can keep hiring managers from accessing diverse talent pools.

Durruthy tells Business Insider she believes that inclusion starts when people look outside their bubbles.

"It's really easy to help our friends and help people who are like ourselves," she said. "But what does it look like when you reach beyond the communities you're connected to?"

While most companies rely on employee referrals when hiring, Durruthy said it can keep HR teams from finding communities outside of existing networks.

According to the company's 2019 "Workforce Diversity Report," nearly 41% of women employees are taking on leadership roles, which represents a 17% increase from the past three years, and a whopping 56% increase from the past five. About 38.9% of the company's leaders are minorities.

Durruthy said the company has nine employee-resource groups, each with a unique voice catering to a different demographic based on race, gender, and so forth.

LinkedIn also has a mentoring program for onboarding employees, in which a more senior person of color is assigned to a group of new hires for a year. These mentors help the employees deal with any thoughts of uncertainty at work (like feeling they're the only representative of their group within the office), as well as navigating tricky areas like performance reviews, the VP added.

Lesley Slaton Brown, HP's chief diversity officer, wants to increase diversity at both the very top — the boardroom and management positions — and bottom of the corporate ladder, such as new hires.

Brown has a catchphrase: "The time for talk is over; the time for action is now."

It sums up her approach to diversity and inclusion at the tech giant, which has one of the most diverse board of directors of any Fortune 100 tech company: An industry-impressive 58% of this key team is made up of minorities, and 42% is made up of women. HP's executive leadership team comprises 38% minorities and 23% women.

"It's an important part of our business strategy," Brown told Business Insider, who added that the company is not only working from the top down but from the bottom up, focusing on boosting diversity among its new hires.

HP's US workforce comprises about 37% women, 27% people of color, and 4.2% veterans, according to the company. Over 63% of US hires were from underrepresented groups including women, people from different ethnicities or racial backgrounds, persons with disabilities, and veterans.

In 2016, HP committed to hiring 150 veterans or military spouses over the course of five years. By the start of 2020, the company achieved 143% of that amount, according to Brown.

"We want people to show and demonstrate the value that those differences bring in our innovation, our process flow, how we move, how we compete, the agility, the culture that we have, and the environment — to be able to speak up and speak out," she said.

As the chief talent officer of one of the nation's oldest hotel chains, Laura Fuentes said part of Hilton's commitment to hospitality includes diversity.

Hilton, a 100-year-old company, created its formal framework for diversity and inclusion only in 2010, according to the company's site. But Fuentes said the hotel chain's commitment to the foundations of hospitality has long extended to inclusion and diversity.

"Conrad Hilton founded the company on this notion that travel could foster peace and cultural understanding," Fuentes told Business Insider. "Hospitality is still our core value, and that takes on a very personal meaning around diversity and inclusion."

Hilton employs one of the most satisfied workforces in the US: Fortune named it the best company to work for and the best company for diversity in 2018. Though the company would not share specific representation numbers, Fuentes mentioned programs like 10 weeks of paid parental leave and eight resource groups that support working parents and minority employees.

Fuentes said Hilton differs from other companies because of its sheer size: It employs 300,000 people worldwide and hires 50,000 new ones each year. The turnover allows for the company to constantly bring in candidates of different backgrounds while regularly refreshing its hiring processes to ensure inclusivity.

Judith Michelle Williams, head of people sustainability and chief diversity and inclusion officer at SAP, aims to have nearly one out of every three company leaders be women by 2022.

Williams said one of her main responsibilities is making sure anyone who wants to work at SAP has the opportunity to do so.

"My fundamental premise is that intelligence, brilliance, and talent are equally distributed among populations, but opportunity is not," Williams told Business Insider. "My job is to remove barriers to opportunities, or to provide opportunities so that people can shine and show what they're really good at."

Over about the past five years, the company has significantly grown its Autism at Work Program, which focuses on hiring and supporting employees with autism. SAP has about 175 workers with autism, and the program has a retention rate of over 90%.

In 2019, SAP pioneered the Autism Inclusion Pledge to help spur other companies to hire more people with autism. (An SAP spokesperson told Business Insider the company could not provide the names of the other companies that have signed on.)

In 2017, SAP met a goal it had set in 2011 to increase the number of women in management to 25%. Its current goal is to have nearly one out of every three leaders be women by 2022. The company also has a robust resource network. Groups include Pride@SAP, the Black Employee Network, Latinos@SAP, and the newly formed group called Vets in the US, and People with Disabilities in Latin America.

Barbara Whye, the chief diversity and inclusion officer and vice president of human resources at Intel, hopes her company gets to the point where her role is no longer necessary.

Employees with a sense of belonging can feel more comfortable speaking up regarding new ideas, giving Intel a competitive advantage over other tech companies, Whye told Business Insider.

She added that one of the company's biggest challenges in achieving diversity has been unconscious bias in hiring. Unconscious bias is when recruiters unintentionally hire non-diverse candidates, whether through sympathizing with like-minded candidates or putting too much emphasis on university credentials.

Each year, Whye and Intel survey over 7,000 randomly selected employees to ask them how the company can improve on inclusion. Survey respondents suggested, for instance, the hiring managers be from different backgrounds. That is now a standard practice at Intel. The company has also donated millions of dollars in scholarship funds for black and Native American students in STEM, an effort led by Whye.

Under Whye's leadership, Intel achieved full representation in its US workforce in 2018 — meaning employees now reflect the percent of women and minorities in the US skilled labor market.

"Our long-term emphasis is on creating an inclusive environment globally, and making sure each individual feels that they can bring their full experiences and authentic selves to work," Whye said.

Dalana Brand, Twitter's vice president of people experience and head of inclusion and diversity, believes social media can help employees have frank conversations about inequality.

Brand wants Twitter to be known as a company where you can bring your whole self to work. And so she's helped expand opportunities for its employees (known internally as "tweeps") to talk about D&I topics that affect them personally.

Twitter has internal forums called FlockTalks, where employees can host public discussions on pretty much any issue or topic that resonates with them, and Tea Time meetings, or smaller conversations e leadership and employees discuss topics that interest employees.

They've been a crucial way to bring together members from different employee-resource groups, which include Twitter Parents, a community for employees who are caregivers; Twitter Stripe, a community for military spouses and veterans; and Twitter Faith, a group that celebrates different religions.

The town halls have also been a valuable way to have open conversations on controversial topics and current events, Brand added. Twitter employees have hosted discussions in the wake of mass shootings, and on topics such as pay equity and religious discrimination.

The executive wants to continue hot-button conversations, but in a way that protects employees' privacy. Twitter recently launched an anonymous survey to ask all its Tweeps how they feel about working at the company. The questionnaire explored topics around gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, immigration, socio-economic status, and religion. The data the company gathered from this survey will guide future D&I investment, Brand said.

"I am most excited, and incredibly inspired, by the fact that we have just scratched the surface," Brand told Business Insider. "So, even though these conversations have been happening for many, many years, I think the outcomes and the opportunity that can come from truly having a workforce that is diverse, global, truly inclusive, and that creates a sense of belonging for all of the employees — the power of that has not yet been seen."

Lindsay-Rae McIntyre, chief diversity officer at Microsoft, believes in ensuring traditionally marginalized groups have access to STEM education early on.

Under McIntyre's leadership, Microsoft launched a diversity and inclusion training initiative called Allyship. The program consists of videos, online lessons, and team discussion prompts centered on how to be an ally to marginalized communities in the workforce. To create the program, Microsoft teamed up with the NeuroLeadership Institute to create a curriculum around topics like unconscious bias and growth mindset.

The latter is a psychological term that encourages people to see problems not as roadblocks but as opportunities for growth. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has said that applying growth mindset to the company's culture has been one of the its biggest keys to success.

Since the program's launch in July 2019, about 10,000 employees have participated. McIntyre plans to expand the program to more Microsoft locations worldwide.

"Growth mindset is an incredible skill set and gift when you come to the topic of inclusion," the executive said.

In addition, Microsoft has made strides in transparency. The company expanded its pay equity data to include six countries, representing 80% of its global workforce. Leaders also shared publicly for the first time, in 2019, the results of its inclusion index, which is the company's anonymous survey on employee sentiments around diversity and inclusion.

Randall M. Tucker, chief inclusion officer at Mastercard, changed the company's approach to annual engagement surveys for direct employee feedback.

Achieving diversity isn't about checking a box, said Tucker, chief inclusion officer at Mastercard.

"It's not like we want to have a pretty picture of a lot of different people's faces with different colors in a photo," he said. "It's the thinking, the perspective, the insight. It's the perspective that they bring to the table to help us problem-solve and innovate."

As of 2018, more than 35% of the company's US workforce is made up of people of color. Moreover, the company has launched a policy to help bridge the racial pay gap: For every dollar earned by white employees, racial and ethnic minorities make $1.005.

Nevertheless, Tucker stressed that inclusion comes when leaders are willing to learn from one another, when everyone feels like they have a "seat at the table."

Since joining the company in 2017, Tucker found that one way to receive useful, constructive feedback is to change the approach to annual engagement surveys. There weren't specific questions about diversity and inclusion in the reviews when he first came on board. Being direct rather than beating around the bush when asking employees how to make the workplace more inclusive lets him identify gaps and "move the needle" more easily, he added.

"The whole point of inclusive environments is not just to talk to people who look like you," he said. "It's to provide a different set of thinking and experiences that you bring to the table, and sharing those with people."

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Career - Best Life Insider: POWER PLAYERS: The 10 most influential diversity leaders fighting inequality in corporate America right now
POWER PLAYERS: The 10 most influential diversity leaders fighting inequality in corporate America right now
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