Part of the process is learning how to bury the hatchet with colleagues you don’t connect with or like. Let’s face it – there’s a few of them in every office. But, it’s essential to learn how to kiss and make up if you plan on climbing the corporate ladder, and here’s why.
It Reduces Toxicity
Offices can be toxic places when colleagues don’t get along, and it’s not a nice environment. Aside from employers getting nervous, it also impacts the people in the middle of the fight. After all, efficiency and productivity are bound to lower when you dread the idea of going into work in the morning. There is a reason team-building exercises such as a bunker escape room or retreat is popular – they encourage people to work through their differences. Learning more about the person allows you to let things go and reduce the tension while focusing your energy on your work.It Proves You’re Manager Material
Don’t wrongly assume people get promotions based on the quality of their work. At least three or four of your co-workers will be as good at the role as you, and they might bring other attributes. One thing employers look for is the skills to manage employees as it increases the chances of the applicant taking the bull by the horns. You can show that you’re manager material by burying the hatchet as it’s proof that you can stay objective. It’s all about the bigger picture, i.e., how the company can make more money.It Makes You Likeable
And never underestimate the importance of a colleague’s recommendation. Yes, the hierarchy makes the final decision but they base it on various factors, including popularity. Someone well-liked is less likely to be a victim of office politics and should be able to get short-term results straight off the bat. Those who can’t bury the hatchet only give the people who dislike them a chance to jeopardize their career, and you don’t want to be this person. Scorned colleagues never take the high road, which means they’ll gladly seize the opportunity with both hands.It Opens Up New Avenues
The sad thing about disliking someone is it stops you from listening to their ideas. As a person who relies on a constant stream of creativity, it’s a bad habit to pick up. Burying the hatchet with a co-worker encourages you to hear them out, which should improve your ability to think on another level. Looking at the competition for ideas is a tried and tested method of success because diversity opens up new avenues of thinking.Is there someone in the office that you don’t like? What are your secrets for dealing with them?